

8 JANUARY 2023

Work officially started in Milan for the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024).

23 JANUARY 2023

Opening of technical session submission.

15 MARCH 24 MARCH 2023

Closure of technical session submission and opening of abstract submission.

15 MAY 31 MAY 2023

Closure of abstract submission and opening of paper submission and pre-registration.


Closure of paper submission 
and pre-registration.

31 JANUARY 2024

Final paper submission (after review and revision) and early bird registration deadline.


First draft of conference programme.

conference proceedings

UPDATE (20th January 2025): The Conference Proceedings, including the submitted and accepted papers, have now been publicly opened and can thus be freely browsed and explored here:

To registered participants, access also to all abstracts and presentations will continue to be provided through this platform.

On 28th June 2024, access to the Submissions Repository (or, if you prefer, the Conference Proceedings) has been enabled for all registered participants.

This resource allows you to search, browse and explore all submitted abstracts and papers. Access to video-recordings of plenary sessions, as well as pdf copies of delivered presentations, will also be made available at this platform.

During the week of the Conference and the six months thereafter, only registered participants can access the platform, using the email address registered with the conference.

You must create a password upon first login (for your convenience, it may match your Conference Participant account password, but must be re-entered due to privacy regulations).


UPDATE (14th June 2024): The online platform that presenting authors may use to upload their presentations has just been launched, and will remain open until the 25th of June 2024. We urge authors to use this facility so as to avoid congestion at the Slides Centre during the week of the Conference. We note also the following:

·      Only presenting authors can access the platform, using the email address registered with the conference.

·      You must create a password upon first login by clicking on “Forgot password? Click here” (for your convenience, it may match your Conference Participant account password, but must be re-entered due to privacy regulations).

·      We encourage the use of multiple-slide presentations for both Stage presentations (delivered in a room to seated attendees), as well as Monitor presentations (presented in the ‘virtual walkway’ to standing attendees).

·      While we provide, for convenience, a simple optional template, you are welcome to use your organisation’s template, provided it follows the 16:9 format.

·      If your presentation includes videos or animations, please visit the Slides Centre during the conference to ensure compatibility with our systems. Note: Personal laptops cannot be used for Plenary or Technical Session presentations.

In the first half of June 2024, we will be providing here the necessary instructions on where and how to upload the presentations; this will be announced through a newsletter sent to all conference participants.
For what concerns a possible presentation template, this is not something that we wish to impose, given that many authors need to use the templates provided by their own organisations, which have their own branding/communication rules and guidelines. Nonetheless, for those that will be so interested, we have prepared this simple template.

REGISTRATION of submissions – closed

UPDATE (21st May 2024): The possibility of (very late) registration of submissions is now closed, given that we need to urgently finalise the scientific programme of the conference. The conference participant platform (see green button below) will remain open only for registration of participants (not submissions), acquisition of Party and La Scala tickets, as well as the enrolment in the Technical Visits.

UPDATE (16th May 2024): A first draft of the WCEE2024 scientific programme has been released, and may be accessed from the Conference Programme webpage. In the next two or three weeks, we expect Convenors to continue to iterate and finetune the schedule of their sessions, with the objective of reaching a finalised version within the first week of June 2024.

UPDATE (29th February 2024): The review and revision of the submissions made to the different technical sessions is now essentially completed, and we are proceeding with the definition of the conference programme. Whilst resubmission of revised papers is thus no longer possible, the conference participant platform (see green button below) remains open, so as to allow late registrations, acquisition of Party and La Scala tickets, as well as enrollment in technical visits (these are to be activated soon).

UPDATE (31st January 2024): Early-bird registration is now closed; from this date onwards, only late registration is possible. The paper submission platform will instead remain open for a few more days, so as to accommodate for the late resubmission of revised papers.

The initial submission of papers phase has now been closed, but it naturally continues to be possible for participants to register in the conference and also for authors to revise their submission (if so requested by the technical session convenors).


UPDATE (4th December 2023): Paper submission is now closed, and the Technical Session Convenors will now initiate their review and evaluation process, which is expected to be concluded before the 31st of January, so that authors may have the time to then revise and resubmit their submissions, if so requested by the Convenors.

UPDATE (31th October 2023): Pre-registration is now closed; from this date onwards, only full registration is possible. The paper submission platform, however, will remain open for a few more days, to accommodate late submissions.

The paper submission platform is now open, and may be accessed through the link that you find below, just after this text. We note also the following:

  • In order to be able to submit a technical/scientific contribution for presentation at the upcoming WCEE2024, you will need to first carry out the pre-registration, using one of the different payment methods available at the submission platform.
  • Technical/scientific contributions will typically come in the form of a conference paper, to be prepared according to the conference template (Doc file, Pdf file), and which will then be included in the conference proceedings and indexed in publication databases.
  • As had been already anticipated in the FAQs, your contribution may also consist of simply an abstract, if so agreed to and accepted by the convenor of the session. These will not, however, be included in the conference proceedings.
  • In the paper submission platform, it will be possible to introduce potentially needed updates or corrections to the title, abstract, authors and technical session that had been indicated in the initial abstract submission.
  • It will be possible for you to submit the paper, or update info and material already submitted, up until the date of 15th of October 2023 31st of October 2023.
  • Please do undertake the pre-registration payment well in advance of the above deadline, especially if you chose to carry out the payment through bank transfer, which can take several days to complete.


UPDATE (4th August 2023): With the opening of the paper submission phase, the ‘Submit your Abstract’ platform has been deactivated. On an exceptional basis, however, and with the agreement of a convenor, last-minute abstract submissions may still be carried out through the paper submission platform indicated above.

UPDATE (5th June 2023): Abstracts submission is now closed, and the ‘Submit your Abstract’ button that you still find active after the technical sessions listing below serves only the purpose of allowing authors to (i) access the evaluation/comments that convenors produced for each submission, and (ii) resubmit the abstract to a different technical session (when so requested by a convenor).

UPDATE (1st June 2023): Having not clarified upfront that the abstracts submission platform closing deadline referred to Central European Summer Time (CEST), something for which we obviously apologise, we have decided to reopen, for only a few extra days, the possibility of submitting abstracts. Do bear in mind, however, that such possibility will be closed in definitive fashion on 4th June 2023 at midnight CEST, in order to allow us to move on to the paper submission/pre-registration phase.

UPDATE (16th May 2023): We are delighted to report that, within the deadline of 15th May 2023, we have received 3500+ abstracts authored by more than 5400 scholars from 110 different countries! The evaluation of the submitted abstracts will now start, a process that we expect to take around two weeks, during which the abstracts submission platform will necessarily remain open (to allow the submission of revised or missing abstracts).

The proposed Technical Sessions have been processed and published, and you may thus now identify those that are better suited to the abstract(s) that you would like to submit to the attention and consideration of the corresponding convenors. If, however, you feel that your work does not fit within any of the currently defined technical sessions, you may still submit a contribution under the ‘Other topics’ category (which you will find in the abstracts submission platform). We note also that abstracts should not exceed 2500 characters, spaces included. To access the submission platform, you should click on the ‘SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT’ button that you find after the technical sessions listing, below.

You will notice that some of the proposed sessions seem to feature already a significant number of invited speakers. However, this should not necessarily discourage you from submitting an abstract to such sessions, given that, as discussed in the FAQs, the final length and format of each Technical Session will only be defined once its number of registered contributors will be clear. In addition, and always as underlined already in the FAQs, we will endeavour to make sure that the posters discussion part of each Technical Session will be, if not more, at least as enticing and engaging as its oral presentations counterpart.

You will also notice that the technical aim and foreseen contents of some of the proposed sessions appear to overlap slightly, in which case they could potentially have been merged together. You might also feel that some sessions do not currently feature the type of representativeness or diversity that you would expect. We have, however, decided to consider such potential issues only once the number of registered contributors to each session will be known, given that we want it to be the community that guides the process of fine-tuning the scientific programme of the conference. Hence, for the time being, just feel free to submit your abstract to whatever Technical Session you feel better suits your work.

Note: the technical sessions are listed below in chronological order of submission/acceptance.

ASR-1: Seismic assessment and retrofitting of RC precast buildings
Convenors: D. Bellotti, F. Cavalieri, G. Magliulo

ASR-2: Timber based seismic retrofitting system for existing structures
Convenors: A. Aloisio, R. Tomasi

ASR-3: Risk-based assessment and retrofitting: synergies between seismic, energy and environmental behavior
Convenors; A. Tsiavos, R. Monteiro, R. Bento

ASR-4: Methods for assessing the life cycle environmental impact of earthquakes
Convenors : M. Caruso, D. Frangopol, A. Liel

ASR-5: Masonry retrofitting with anchored systems
Convenors: S. Cattaneo, V. Palieraki, A. Bonati

ASR-6: Repair & strengthening of RC structures: behaviour, modelling and design of interfaces
Convenors: V. Palieraki, E. Vintzileou

ASR-7: Seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing steel constructions or adopting novel steel solutions
Convenors: R. Landolfo, A. Sato, G.A. Rassati

ASR-8: Use of timber for the sustainable earthquake protection of existing buildings
Convenors: I. Giongo, F. Graziotti, D. Bournas

ASR-9: Integrated seismic and energy retrofitting of existing buildings
Convenors: D. Bournas, T. Triantafillou, D. Pohoryles

ASR-10: Design and retrofitting with post-installed solutions
Convenors: G. Muciaccia, A. Sharma

ASR-11: Advances and open challenges in seismic vulnerability assessment of URM buildings in aggregate
Convenors: S. Cattari, R. Bento, T. Ferreira

ASR-12: Seismic retrofit of existing buildings
Convenors: M. Fragiadakis, A. Sextos, H. Varum

ASR-13: Economic loss in seismic areas: from empirical data to prescriptive guidance for mitigation
Convenors: C. Del Vecchio, G. O’Reilly, M. Di Ludovico

ASR-14: Seismic resilience of aging communities
Convenors: G. Faraone

BCI-1: Dynamic characterization and vulnerability assessment of masonry bridges
Convenors: F. Rizzo, D. Foti, C. Sandoval

BCI-2: Seismic risk and resilience assessment of interdependent urban lifelines and systems
Convenors: B. Stojadinovic, K. Pitilakis, V. Silva

BCI-3: Seismic analysis and strengthening of masonry arch bridges
Convenors: L. Sorrentino, D.V. Oliveira, P. Clemente

BCI-4: Seismic pounding of bridges
Convenors: C. Nuti, A. Kappos

BCI-5: Large-scale simulations for vulnerability and resilience analyses of critical infrastructures
Convenors: G.P. Cimellaro, X. Lu, M. Bruneau

BCI-6: Seismic analysis of dams and levees
Convenors: M.A. Hariri-Ardebili, A. De Falco, G. Mazza

BCI-7: Bridges in multihazard environment: monitoring and analysis under flooding and earthquakes
Convenors: M.P. Limongelli, S. Mitoulis, E. Bertolesi, E. Rovithis

BCI-8: The renaissance of accelerated bridge construction: the easiest pathway to build seismic resilience
Convenors: A. Palermo, M. Mashal

BCI-9: Experimentation and modelling of corroded bridge piers: limitations & future directions
Convenors: A. Palermo, M. Kashani

BCI-10: Ensuring the functionality of critical facilities and seismic qualification of components
Convenors: D. Combescure, A. Pavese

BCI-11: Seismic rehabilitation and retrofitting of bridges
Convenors: A. Kapppos, K. Mackie

BCI-12: Seismic risk management for road and railway infrastructures
Convenors: E. Renzi, P.L. Navone

CMS-1: RC structural walls: advances and future challenges for design, modelling, testing, and construction
Convenors: J. Almeida, R. Hoult, A. Correia

CMS-2: Cutting-edge research on buckling-restrained braces (BRBS) and their applications
Convenors: T. Takeuchi, G. MacRae

CMS-3: Research developments and design implications for earthquake-resistant timber buildings
Convenors : D. Casagrande, G. Doudak, M. Sciomenta

CMS-4: Seismic fragility curves of corroded structures and infrastructures
Convenors : B. Belletti, B. Martín-Pérez, W. Zhang

CMS-5: Seismic design of modern masonry: innovative systems, experimental experiences and codified criteria
Convenors: P. Morandi, K. Beyer, C. Butenweg

CMS-6: Recent advancements in seismic design and evaluation of new and existing steel structures
Convenors: D. Lignos, T. Okazaki

CMS-7: Seismic performance of infilled buildings – recent developments and future challenges
Convenors: R. Monteiro, M.T. De Risi, G. Mucedero

CMS-8: Recent research on column base connections and their implications on seismic design
Convenors: F. Zareian, D. Lignos, A. Kanvinde

CMS-9: Local mechanisms in existing masonry structures: numerical and experimental assessment, retrofitting
Convenors: C. Casapulla, M.F. Funari, B. Pulatsu

CMS-10: Behavior and design of flat slabs under seismic actions
Convenors: A. Ramos, D. Coronelli

CMS-11: Innovative solutions in mass timber construction: alternatives to conventional platform construction
Convenors: A. Palermo, M. Li

CMS-12: Seismic behaviour of innovative ductile and non-interacting infills
Convenors: R. Milanesi, M. Marinkovic, A. Stavridis

CMS-13: Shear critical concrete structures subjected to seismic loads: behavior, assessment and retrofit
Convenors: G. Proestos, P.M. Calvi

CMS-14: Seismic-resilient steel and steel-concrete composite structures
Convenors: F. Freddi, M. Latour, S. Ramhormozian, A. Sato, B. Simpson

EVO-1: Advances towards functional recovery based design
Convenors : M. Koliou, A. Liel

EVO-2: Seismic design for functional recovery performance
Convenors: C. Molina Hutt, C. Haselton, R. Zimmerman

EVO-3: Seismic risk targeted models for civil infrastructures
Convenors: C. Demartino, P. Gardoni, G. Monti

EVO-4: International approaches to develop functional recovery seismic design standards
Convenors: D. Cook, S. Sattar, K. Johnson

EVO-5: Earthquake engineering in Italy: a historical perspective in memory of Prof. Giuseppe Grandori
Convenors: L. Petrini, R. Paolucci

EVO-6: Second generation of Eurocode 8
Convenors: R. Bento, P. Bisch, A. A. Correia

EVO-7: Shaping the future: exploring innovations and advancements in earthquake engineering
Convenors: A. Furtado, D. Gautam, C. Del Gaudio

EVO-8: 3D construction printing in structural and seismic engineering
Convenors: A. Furtado, J. Melo, V. Sangiorgi

EVO-9: Future directions of seismic codes
Convenors: T. Sullivan, D. Grant, K. Beyer

EVO-10: ATC at 50 – Advancing earthquake engineering knowledge and application in the United States and beyond
Convenors: A. Hortacsu

GEO-1: Recent advances in the seismic design, risk assessment and management of tunnels and underground infrastructures
Convenors: K. Pitilakis, H.-T. Yu, R. Wang

GEO-2: Underground structures in liquefiable ground
Convenors: Y. Yuan, R. Cudmani, A. Flora

GEO-3: Geotechnical seismic isolation (GSI)
Convenors: H.-H. Tsang, L. Montrasio, D. Pitilakis

GEO-4: Innovative ground interface concepts based on seismic metamaterials for structure protection
Convenors: O.S. Bursi, E. Chatzi, B. Stojadinovic

GEO-5: Challenges in the seismic design of shallow foundations
Convenors : F. De Silva, L. Deng

GEO-6: Resilient applications and soil structure interaction (SSI) modelling for buildings and bridges
Convenors: D. Forcellini, G. Chiaro, A. Palermo

GEO-7: Early history and historical perspective of site effects and dynamic soil-structure interaction
Convenors: R. Paolucci, C. Lai

GEO-8: The influence of seismic input, site effects, and soil-structure-interaction on fragility curves
Convenors: C. Smerzini, D. Pitilakis, V. Manfredi

GEO-9: Structures against liquefaction
Convenors: T. Xie, X. Wang, S. Bhattacharya

GEO-10: Discussions on state of practice/knowledge/art in spectral analyses for informing site response
Convenors : A. Yong, B. Cox, J. Stewart

GEO-11: Geotechnical earthquake engineering with geosynthetics
Convenors: D. Gioffrè, G. Biondi, G. Cardile

GEO-12: Effects of soil nonlinearity on the built environment – observations and predictions
Convenors: A. Chiaradonna, T. Carey, M. De Cristofaro

GRM-1: Rotational seismic ground motions and their engineering significance
Convenors : Z. Zembaty, H. Igel, P. Bonkowski

GRM-2: Characterizing seismic input for engineering applications
Convenors: E. Zuccolo, G. O’Reilly

GRM-3: Exploring earthquake data centers around the World
Convenors: L. Schleicher, L. Luzi, M. Naguit

GRM-4: Simulation, validation, and utilization of earthquake ground motions for engineering applications
Convenors: S. Rezaeian, M. Dabaghi, R. Paolucci

GRM-5: Recent advances in earthquake ground motion modeling
Convenors: Y. Bozorgnia, A. Kottke, J. Donahue

IDD-1: Recent projects of seismic isolation and energy dissipation in Latin America
Convenors: C. Mendez-Galindo, M. Valenzuela

IDD-2: Sustainable technologies for seismic isolation
Convenors: M.R. Marsico, J. Londono Monsalve, M. Craciun

IDD-3: Innovations in energy dissipation devices for seismic protection
Convenors: B. Wang, S. Zhu, T.L. Karavasilis

IDD-4: Friction-based structural components for high-performance buildings
Convenors: G. Tsampras, G. MacRae, C. Clifton

IDD-5: Application of seismic isolation in new and existing bridges: theoretical and practical issues
Convenors: P. Clemente, G. Benzoni, A. Dall’Asta

IDD-6: New perspectives in seismic isolation and energy dissipation for vibration control of structures
Convenors: V. Quaglini, P.M. Calvi, T.C. Becker

IDD-7: Recent advances in response modification devices and strategies
Convenors: K. Kalfas, N. Makris

IDD-8: Research frontiers in seismic isolation and damping systems for structures and infrastructures
Convenors: E. Gandelli, G. Lomiento, A. Monaco

IDD-9: Advances in low-cost seismic isolation for normal-importance buildings
Convenors: D. Konstantinidis, M. Vassiliou, D. Losanno

IDD-10: Seismic performance of base isolated structures during earthquakes
Convenors: G.P. Cimellaro, B. Sadan, C. Tuzun

IDD-11: Structural control devices to mitigate seismic vulnerability
Convenors: M. Domaneschi, R. Cucuzza, M. Noori, L. Martinelli, P. Narjabadifam

IDD-12: Experimental assessment techniques for seismic isolation and energy dissipation devices
Convenors: M. Furinghetti, A. Pavese, F. Ponzo, P. Dubini, D. De Domenico

RES-1: Advanced assessments of the seismic resilience of infrastructures
Convenors: D. Forcellini, H. Karampour, A. Thamboo

RES-2: Improving earthquake engineering implementation in developing nations
Convenors: A. Charleson, S. Alcocer, V. Rawal

RES-3: Confined masonry construction for enhanced seismic resilience of housing and infrastructure
Convenors: S. Brzev, T. Hart

RES-4: Reconstruction prioritisation for optimising critical infrastructure resilience and sustainability
Convenors : S. Mitoulis, S. Argyroudis, V. Villa, M. Domaneschi 

RES-5: Building faster: advances in modular construction for high seismic regions
Convenors: E. Fischer, A. Barbosa

RES-6: Decision-support tools for community resilience enhancement
Convenors: E. Opabola, C. Galasso, A. Liel

RES-7: A model for understanding and addressing seismic risk in vulnerable housing. Case study: Colombia
Convenors: A. Pavan, J.A. Oviedo Amézquita

RES-8: Improving seismic resilience in housing: reflecting on 20 years past and strategies for the future
Convenors: M.L.B. Collins

RES-9: Advances in seismic resilience research – commemorating 70th anniversary of IEM, CEA
Convenors: T. Wang, S. Li, Z. Qu

RES-10: Seismic resilience of structures in low-income regions
Convenors: A. Sextos, K. Beyer, A. Tsiavos

RES-11: Seismic retrofit for resilient communities
Convenors: M. Fox, D. Grant, W.Y. Kam

RES-12: Pathways of connecting earthquake engineering and community resilience for policy action
Convenors: S. Derakhshan, H. Burton, C. Huyck

SDM-1: Recent advances and developments in energy-based seismic design
Convenors: A. Benavent-Climent, H. Sucuoglu, F. Mollaioli

SDM-2: Seismic response and design of irregular building structures
Convenors : M. De Stefano, O. Lavan, J.C. Reyes

SDM-3: Challenges in the behavior, modeling, analysis, and design of self-centering structural systems
Convenors: A. Belleri, O. Lavan, M. Nazari

SDM-4: Low damage construction
Convenors: G.A. MacRae, S. Moghadam, L.-J. Jia

SDM-5: Rocking buildings – the elusiveness of implementation
Convenors: M. Speicher, C. Segura

SDM-6: Representing the physics of extreme limit states in frame simulations: challenges and developments
Convenors: A. Kanvinde, D. Lignos

SDM-7: Nonlinear methods of analysis in seismic engineering
Convenors: E.M. Marino, L.N. Lowes, C.-L. Lee

SDM-8: Theory, measurement and modelling of damping for seismic response analysis of large-scale structures
Convenors: C.-L. Lee, A. Puthanpurayil, A. Carr

SDM-9: Why we need to pay close attention to the damping models for non-linear time history analysis
Convenors: M. Kowalsky, J. Restrepo

SDM-10: Seismic nonlinear modelling of buildings in the engineering practice: design and assessment
Convenors: S. Cattari, G. Magenes, S. Antoniou

SDM-11: Recent findings on the effect of ground motion vertical accelerations on building structures
Convenors: F. Zareian, L. Ibarra

SDM-12: Reliable and efficient models for nonlinear seismic analyses of RC structures
Convenors: G. Camata, A. Liel, M. Hube

SDM-13: Cost-effective resiliency solutions in RC structures
Convenors: L. Tobber, G. Rodgers, J. Atkinson

SDM-14: Myths and fallacies in earthquake engineering – a new look
Convenors: M. Speicher

SHR-1: Seismic risk models for decision support: advancements and applications
Convenors: P. Kakoty, T.E. Hobbs, R.E. Chase

SHR-2: Advances in seismic hazard analysis
Convenors: M. Pagani, M.D. Petersen, M.C. Gerstenberger

SHR-3: Managing earthquake risk through multi-lateral partnerships
Convenors: J.F. Schneider, G. Trendafiloski

SHR-4: Uncertainty quantification and reliability methods for regional seismic risk assessment
Convenors: M. Broccardo, Z. Wang, J. Song

SHR-5: Forward-looking earthquake risk modelling and quantification: recent advances and perspectives
Convenors: C. Galasso, G. Cremen, V. Silva

SHR-6: Macroseismology: current studies and future directions
Convenors: D. Wald, J. Schwarz, V. Silva

SHR-7: When science meets industry: advances in engineering seismology stemming from engineering practice
Convenors: O.-J. Ktenidou, D. Asimaki, H. Miyake

SHR-8: Application of urgent computing facilities to critical seismological applications
Convenors: V. Poggi, S. Parolai, R. Paolucci

SHR-9: National seismic risk modelling efforts: challenges, achievements and future goals
Convenors: V. Silva, H. Crowley, A.B. Acevedo

SHR-10: Toward the definition of trans-regional seismic vulnerability models
Convenors: C. Del Gaudio, S.-Q. Li, D. Gautam

SHR-11: Advances in the seismic hazard and risk assessment of nuclear power plants
Convenors: D. Vamvatsikos, P. Bazzurro, I. Zentner

SHR-12: WHE – Contributions to gain insight in building taxonomies and to support reliable risk scenarios
Convenors: L. Abrahamczyk, D. Cook, M. Kumar

SHR-13: High-resolution simulation of regional earthquake risk and recovery
Convenors: G. Deierlein, M. DeJong, A. Zsarnoczay

SHR-14: Surrogate modeling techniques and applications for regional simulations
Convenors: G. Deierlein, A. Taflanidis

SHR-15: Recent advances in regional risk assessment
Convenors: P. Heresi, E. Miranda

SHR-16: New data and cutting-edge technologies for seismic hazard assessment and risk mitigation
Convenors: L. Danciu, H. Crowley, O.-J. Ktenidou

SHR-17: Hazard and loss modelling under the lessons learned from recent earthquakes. Implications on insurance and reinsurance
Convenors: F. Cotton, M. Erdik

SHR-18: Recent advances and challenges in (re)insurance portfolio risk management
Convenors: U. Tomassetti, M. Käser, N. Giordano

SHR-19: Advancing seismic hazard and risk models: learning from testing and verification experiences
Convenors: C. Beauval, A. Araújo Correia, P. Mäntyniemi


We are aiming at building a COMMUNITY-BASED CONFERENCE PROGRAMME, and are therefore inviting you to submit proposals for technical sessions that you would be interested in convening. These technical sessions should be not only rich in scientific content, but also diverse and representative in terms of e.g. geographical provenance, gender balance, etc. You may download this announcement from here.

While submitting your proposal, please be ready to provide:

  • Session title
  • Names and affiliations of potential co-convenors of the session (max. 3)
  • Brief summary of the session contents (max. 2000 characters)
  • A list of a minimum of 3 invited speakers (name/affiliation)

Please do also bear in mind that technical session proposals will be evaluated by both a Scientific Committee, as well as by a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Panel.

Refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for further details and clarifications.

We look forward to receiving your proposals, and with your help, creating an exciting and stimulating conference programme!

The Call for Technical Session proposals is now closed.